Call for Special Sessions 2025

Workshop on Mixed Analog-Digital Configurable Adaptable Processing (MADCAP) Held during FCCM 2025

Mixed analog-digital Processing-in-Memory (PIM) or Computing-in-Memory (CIM) technologies offer the potential to push GEMM efficiencies to the order of 1000 TOPs/Watt for small-scale matrix multiplication kernels. However, one of their primary barriers to widespread adoption is the resultant efficiency loss caused by their integration with conventional processors and other coprocessors.

One approach to solve this is to consider tight integration of such technologies into FPGA or FPGA-like System-on-Chip, which PIM/CIM arrays would efficiently comprise one facet of a heterogeneous collection of accelerator technologies, allowing for workload optimization at runtime. To achieve this, the MAPCAP workshop will bring together the FCCM and VLSI communities in a full-day workshop, held on the Sunday prior to FCCM 2025, to collaborate and share ideas.

This workshop will include several special sessions, whose topics will be driven by proposals solicited from both communities, with each special session showcasing a series of invited and contributed peer-reviewed papers.

Call for Special Sessions

We invite proposals for special sessions at MADCAP 2025. Special sessions will nominally be allocated 1.5 to 2 hours. Speakers and presenters in the special session have the opportunity to have a short paper (up to 6 pages, excluding references) or a 1-page extended abstract (including references) accepted for inclusion in the FCCM proceedings. All submissions will undergo review and require TPC recommendation before publication in the official conference proceedings.

Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file one to two pages in length via email to Jason D. Bakos, the 2025 FCCM Workshops and Tutorials Chair, via e-mail to Questions about submissions should be directed to the same email address. Submissions should include the subject line โ€œMADCAP Special Session Proposal:โ€ followed by the workshop title or โ€œFCCM Tutorial Proposal:โ€ followed by the tutorial title.

Submissions are due on November 30, 2024 (extended).

Topics of interest:

  • System-on-Chip (SoC) and Network-on-Chip (NoC) design  for integration of FPGA fabrics and PIM/CIM/crossbar arrays
  • CAD tooling and optimization of both physical layout and logical mapping of workloads to on-chip resources
  • Testing, verification, and emulation of mixed analog-digital systems, both in software and using FPGAs as a platform
  • Benchmarking and evaluation of heterogeneous FPGA+PIM/CIM/crossbar platforms
  • Digital and analog PIM/CIM in SRAM, DRAM, MRAM, RERAM
  • Logical and physical FPGA+PIM/CIM/crossbar co-design
  • Modeling and simulation of FPGA+PIM/CIM/crossbar platforms
  • In-sensor computing
  • In-memory computing
  • Security in in-memory computing

Workshop Organizers:

Jason D Bakos, University of South Carolina

Ramtin Zand,, University of South Carolina